MONOTONY is speaking with lack of variation or using one tone. It is derived from the Greek word 'monotone'.
You can practice these speech tools with our apps "Fluent English Speech" and "4Ps, Power, Pitch, Pace , Pause" and with the book "Get Rid of your Accent Part Two, Advanced Level" by Linda James and Olga Smith.
It is speaking with same speed, same pitch of tone and same emphasis.
If the whole content is delivered in the same tone with out pause or power the speech will lack efficiency.
Even if you have a strong unique content but you dearth a good accent and tone the content will be of no use. People with less stronger theme and a very good accent with variation in tones will excel in presentation.
"The virtue of art lies in detachment in sequestering one object from embarrassing variety"
Variation in tones must be bought to differentiate one thought or phrase from the other. In a monotonous speech important and less important are not prioritized differently.
Striking same notes on piano for a long time or listening to same song for a prolonged duration may sound boring, uninteresting or displeasing.
The power of variety lies in pleasure giving quality. If you wish to teach or influence men please them first. Make them feel interesting by adjusting your tone accordingly.
We replenish out wardrobe frequently to obviate monotonous attires. Just the same way we have to conquer monotony by multiplying power of speech by increasing or tools like:
- STRESS words or sentences that you want to be noted by audience.
- THROW AWAY or use a mild tone for unimportant words or phrases.
- LIAISE prepositions and articles to main word.
- PAUSES in places of commas and full stops.
- EMOTIONS are required in places of narrating incidents.
You can practice these speech tools with our apps "Fluent English Speech" and "4Ps, Power, Pitch, Pace , Pause" and with the book "Get Rid of your Accent Part Two, Advanced Level" by Linda James and Olga Smith.
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